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HAVEN - Environment sketches

Here is a part of my environment concept art on Haven.
It starts at the end of 2018 with the arrival of an artistic director on the project : Simon Hutt

Haven (2020) is an indie video game created by french studio : The Game Bakers.

The first concept art after the soft reboot called "Fragments"

The first concept art after the soft reboot called "Fragments"

We were mor focused on simple shapes and colorful atmosphere

We were mor focused on simple shapes and colorful atmosphere

Simon decided to remove every Trees of the game. 
I tried to sketch a kind of "tech tree" ^^

Simon decided to remove every Trees of the game.
I tried to sketch a kind of "tech tree" ^^

Here is a hidden environment in tha game, simply called "the beach". It's basically a island on a floating island

Here is a hidden environment in tha game, simply called "the beach". It's basically a island on a floating island

The only constraint was to include a diving spot

The only constraint was to include a diving spot

Simon made sketch of a mysterious technology and push the visual to create house structure

Simon made sketch of a mysterious technology and push the visual to create house structure

Cooking spot !

Cooking spot !

some asset related to a story on the beach island

some asset related to a story on the beach island

some landmarks

some landmarks